Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher, Founder, and Owner of the Chacana Spiritual Center
Shannon Davis is a shaman & medicine woman of the Peruvian (Inca) Q’ero shaman lineage & hospice nurse with a RN degree, and certifications in Reiki and vibrational energy healing techniques.
Born a natural intuitive, clairvoyant and emotional empathic healer. Shannon follows her passion in assisting others to step into their own power and healing.
Shannon has been the guest speaker for several healing conventions; a speaker for live radio and pod cast interviews and magazine articles. Her goal is to bring light and love to the world she lives in and touch everyone she Meets with beauty to inspire them to find their path of healing.
Shannon uses her skills to work with clients and assist them with healing on an emotional , mental, spiritual and physical levels. She works individually with clients in shamanic healings and as a life and business coach consultant with the medicine wheel technique. She is the Head teacher at the Chacana Spiritual Center and directly works with every Mesa student in an apprenticeship for 2 years to assist them into their highest and best healing.
Shannon is the owner of The Chacana Spiritual Center in Melbourne, Florida, a healing center and school, with a focus on mental, spiritual, wellness, education, emotional and physical health for the community.